Family Involvement
We operate an open door policy. This means that parents and family are most welcome into the Centre at ANYTIME. Family participation sends strong, positive messages to your child that you support them and are part of their child care environment. There are many levels of family participation and we appreciate that time is of a premium for all families, but we welcome any form of involvement you may be able to offer.
Our educators sincerely wish for you and your child to be happy and feel welcomed at Rosies. Edcuators at Rosie’s Early Learning promote and support a three way relationship between families, caregivers and the child. Communication is a vital ingredient to the success of this partnership.
Famiy input is critical for us to ensure that the program is achieving all that you want for your child. The National Quality Standards process also encourages families to have input, to evaluate our service in accordance with the standards set by the ACECQA. Family involvement in the centre can be strucured to meet your availability and commitments. Some of the ways in which you can participate in the centre could be:
Participate in excursions
Assist in fund raising
Attend special activities and functions at the centre
Volunteering your time to share in your child’s learning experience
Suggestions and ideas for programming and planning
Feedback in relation to the care which is provided
Attending Family Information Nights
Donations of craft materials, materials, boxes and other relevant materials
Siblings are always welcome at Rosie's when children are being dropped off or picked up, however our educators cannot assume responsibility for them if they are not booked in for care. Therefore, they must be supervised by parent/guardian whislt in the centre and car park areas.
Information on the centre philosophy, aims of the centre and the educational program can be found on this site, however if you require further information about the following this can be discussed with your child's Lead Educator or the Centre Director:
Description of activities and experiences given by the centre;
Service’s philosophy about learning and child development outcomes;
How learning outcomes will be achieved and;
The goals about knowledge and skills to be developed through the activities and experiences.