Rosie's Early Learning Philosophy
Children have so much to offer, first we must listen to them.
Rosie’s Early Learning recognises that children are competent individuals who have many strengths and abilities, and that learning is lifelong. We understand that all stakeholders share a common goal, that is, the best possible outcomes for the child – whatever they may be. To achieve this, we recognise that embedding the family’s aspirations, educator’s knowledge and understandings of early childhood theory and national documents is essential.
From the moment a child and family attend their first orientation at Rosie’s we acknowledge the critical role this encounter plays in developing a sense of belonging, welcoming and security. Meaningful connections are developed, and from this, genuine partnerships emerge. We see connecting the role of the family, children, teachers and community members as an integral part of building genuine community partnerships and this in turn enables educators and the children to advocate their importance as contributing citizens in the world. A genuine commitment to inclusion and respect for diversity demonstrates to children and the wider community the values of respect and acceptance.
The Early Years Learning Framework, Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines, National Quality Standards, United Nations Rights of the Child and Code of Ethics inspires the educators at Rosie's to develop an early childhood community which focuses on quality outcomes. Rosie’s has a strong connection with various community organisations, initiatives that aim to provide the best possible life opportunities for every child in Logan.
By developing a constellation of informed practice (Attachment theory, Pheonix Cups) we provide children with tools to develop strong brain architecture to manage challenges that may arise and effective ways to reduce stress levels. Rosie’s predictable environments provide children with the tools, resilience, and a sense of empowerment to build their social and emotional learning. The cumulative impact of positive experiences assists children to develop mastery in constructing and/or reconstructing their self-narratives, while reflecting in healthy ways on past and present experiences.
We recognise that small groupings of children are vital to the developments of relationships and attachments. Rituals times, spaces and planning is carefully development to ensure small grouping can always be maintained.  
Our thinking is guided by Loris Malaguzzi’s theory of ‘100 languages’. We recognise that learning is a journey of exploration and for children to gain confidence to learn new skills and try new things, they need to have the opportunity to share their knowledge through many languages and many rich and meaningful experiences. Educators value the process and journey of play and the rich learning that occurs, rather than focusing on specific outcomes. The educators work in partnership as that of a co-constructor, researcher, documenter, and advocate for children as we believe that children are capable of constructing their own strategies and a toolkit ready for use when they meet their next challenge. Such partnerships invite us to wonder about each child – what are their interests and wonderings? Preferred learning styles? How do they communicate their needs? What do they bring to Rosie’s community and how educators adapt their intentional teaching to nurture each child’s uniqueness?
We are inspired by Anne Pelo’s statement – ‘Pay attention to the child’s attention’. The environment plays a particularly critical role in this learning and where some may only see play; we see rich, engaging learning opportunities for children. We will provide a safe and nurturing space for children to practice, take risks and explore. This allows them to gain many new tools for future use.
We recognise the wonderful benefits of risky play and connecting with nature and are committed to embedding sustainable practices in our daily rituals that will contribute to the reduction of carbon footprints in the environment. We believe that all living things are interconnected (DEEWR 2009, pg. 29) and that nurturing respect and appreciation of the environment is paramount to the development of children’s understanding and awareness as a contributing citizen of Rosie’s and the wider community.
By providing the children with opportunities for long-term learning we can see them motivated to investigate, hypothesise and engage with their peers and teachers on a journey of discovery. Vygotsky’s notion of the Zone of Proximal Development inspires educators to scaffold children’s learning, and this supports our image of the child on an evolving journey, rather than just one milestone to achieve. This scaffolding allows the educators to understand where the child’s learning is leading to and then enables the intentional teaching to be meaningfully considered and collaborated.
Cultural Heritage and understanding is an essential component of the curriculum and is integrated into the daily program. The daily Acknowledgement of Country in both English and Aboriginal language, development of an active Reconciliation Action Plan (reviewed by Aboriginal elders and people) are some of the strategies used to demonstrate the commitment to reconciliation.
Rosie’s Team Culture Document outlines values and behaviours expected of Rosie’s educators. The document influences educator’s personal ‘ways of being’ as their practices reflect the values and behaviours that promote an enriching and purposeful program through a cohesive team spirit