Our fees are inclusive of the following services:
meals (morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea)
disposable nappies
all consumables
Fees are paybale 2 weeks in advance and payments are set up automcatically via our Ezidebit system. Families are offered 4 weeks holiday at 25% discount per financial year, and the centre can explain the details of this policy.
Two weeks written notice is required to end a booking or decrease permanently booked days. Fees are payable on all booked days including absences and public holidays.
Our fees as at January 2023 are:
Age Per Day
Under 3 years $129/day before the government subsidy (CCS)
3+ years $125/day before the government subsidy (CCS)
Our centre is an approved child care service and therefore we are able to claim any eligible subsidies from Centrelink on your behalf.
For more information about your eligibility for government subsidies, that will reduce your out of pocket expenses, please call the Assistance Office on 136 150, or follow the below link.